Balloon Rose Bouquet
The power of the flowers never fades away, it is timeless. Nature has its own way to ooze out the freshness effortlessly. This bouquet is combined with roses, balloons and chocolates to lift up the mood, anytime of the day. A personal heartfelt message note will be the cherry on the top of this hamper.
Balloon Rose Bouquet
₹2,199.00Request a Call Back
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Balloon Rose Bouquet
₹2,199.00Ask a Question
A cylindrical box
01 transparent balloon
3-4 Chrome balloons
6-8 Ferrero Rocher
12-15 Pastel Roses and Gypsy
Personalised Message
The power of the flowers never fades away, it is timeless. Nature has its own way to ooze out the freshness effortlessly. This bouquet is combined with roses, balloons and chocolates to lift up the mood, anytime of the day. A personal heartfelt message note will be the cherry on the top of this hamper.
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